• Sponsors & Exhibitors

    We are pleased to inform that the XIII Jornadas APDIS will take place at Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde, Parque das Nações, Lisboa, on the 14th – 16th March 2018. This year, the theme will be “Bibliotecas da Saúde: Da Ciência Aberta à Investigação e Prática Clínica” (“Health Libraries: From Open Science to Research and Clinical Practice”).

    This event (organized, on a regular basis, since 1993) will bring together librarians and other information professionals from healthcare institutions from Portugal, Spain, Brazil and African Countries with Portuguese as official language (PALOP’s).

    The APDIS – Associação Portuguesa de Documentação e Informação de Saúde (Portuguese Association on Health Documentation and Information) is a non-profit Portuguese association of Health Librarians, extensive to other Health Professionals, since 1991. The APDIS has scientific and educational purposes exclusively and is intended to assist librarians and information professionals involved in research, education and public health communities.

    On behalf of the APDIS Board, we invite you to join us, as an exhibitor or sponsor.

    Your participation will contribute to the success of this event. It is important for us, health sciences librarians, to meet our publishers, who will bring us up to date with all the latest products.


    We have great opportunities for Exhibitors/Sponsors.
    If you are interested please contact us:

    Sílvia Costa Lopes | slopes@ff.ulisboa.pt
    Susana Henriques | susanahenriques@medicina.ulisboa.pt



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